11 November 2012

What Is Sustainable Farming

What Is Sustainable Farming?
Sustainable farming is the management and conservation of natural resources, and the orientation of technological and institutional change are made in such a way as to ensure the fulfillment and satisfaction of human needs in a sustainable manner for present and future generations which are expected from the development of farming, fisheries and livestock able to conserve soil, water, plant, animal genetic resources, does not damage the environment and be socially acceptable.

Sustainable farming is the successful management of resources for farming to help the changing human needs while maintaining or improving the quality of the environment and conserving natural resources. Sustainable farming include the components of physical, biological and socioeconomic. Sustainable agricultural farming systems represented by input reduction carry chemicals, soil erosion and weed control, and maintain soil fertility.

Sustainable farming has a basic concept of maintaining natural ecosystems healthy farms, free from chemicals that poison the environment. In agriculture there is a basic component of agroecosystem sustainability in both the short and long term, which combines the basic components of agroecosystems between productivity, stability, equity.

Sustainable farming is a moral call for environmental policy act of Natural Resources in agriculture by considering three aspects, namely

1. Environmental Awareness (Ecologically Sound), farming system should not deviate from the existing ecological system. Environmental balance is an indicator of the harmonization of ecological systems which mechanism is controlled by natural laws.
2. Economic value (Economic Valueable), farming systems should be based on considerations of profit and loss, both for themselves and others, for short term and long term, and the organisms in the ecological system or outside the system ecology. Natural resources be continued (not exploited).
3. Social or civic character (Socially Just), agricultural systems must be aligned with social norms and culture embraced and cherished by the local community.

The concept of sustainable farming systems derived from the basic concept of sustainable development is how to meet the needs of people today without compromising the ability to meet the needs of future generations. That is, as a subsystem, sustainable farming must be able to take advantage of the resources efficiently and synergistically interacts with other subsystems of sustainable development.

Sustainable farming include the following:

1. Ecologically stable, which means the quality of natural resources and the ability of agroecosystems is maintained as a whole, from humans, plants and animals through improved soil organisms. Both of these will be met if the land is managed and maintained plant health and society through biological processes (self regulation). Local resources are used in such a way that the loss of nutrients, biomass, and energy can be reduced as low as possible and be able to prevent pollution

2. Can continue in the economy, which means that farmers can produce everything to meet the needs and / or their own income and earning sufficient to restore power and cost. Economic sustainability is not only measured in terms of direct products of farming, but also in terms of the function of conserving natural resources.

3. Fair, which means resources and power are distributed in such a way that the basic needs of all members of the community are met and their rights in the use of land and adequate capital, technical assistance and marketing opportunities guaranteed.

4. Human, which means that all forms of life (plants, animals and humans) appreciated. Basic dignity and respect all living creatures and the institutional relationship combines fundamental humanitarian values ​​such as trust, honesty, self-esteem, teamwork and compassion are maintained and safeguarded.

5. Flexible, which means that rural communities can adapt to changing farming conditions continue, eg population growth, government policies, market demand and others. This includes not only the development of new and appropriate technologies, but in the sense of social and cultural innovation.


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