07 November 2012

Sustainable Farming

Sustainable farming is a way of farming that integrates a comprehensive socio-economic aspects of the environment to the agricultural community. A farming mechanisms that can meet the criteria of economic benefits, social benefits for farm families and communities, and sustainable environmental conservation. In the implementation of sustainable farming with organic farming identical.

Sustainable farming aims to break the dependence of farmers on external inputs and power market dominated agrarian resources. Sustainable farming is an important step in rearranging the agrarian structure and build a farm economy that synergy between production and distribution within the framework of agrarian reform.

Implementation of sustainable farming comes from a family farming tradition that respect, guarantee and protect the sustainability of nature to bring back the farm as a living culture. Therefore, many agricultural experts termed it as a "family farmer-based sustainable farming", to distinguish it from the concept of organic farming agribusiness wing. Sustainable farming is the backbone for the realization of food sovereignty.

In anticipation of food insecurity and insufficient availability of food for the community and given the state of today's farms organic matter content is below 2%. Organic matter content of agricultural land is the ideal minimum of 5%. Condition C Oranik 5% of such need as much as 20 tons of manure per hectare per season for 4-5 years.

Agricultural land is now in general are at a very serious, so the recovery rate with the use of soil organic matter is an absolute must to be carried out simultaneously in the form of Mass Movement. In principle, the technology is not difficult to produce organic fertilizer, raw material is very much in the countryside. Dung of cattle, goats, chickens, sugar cane mill waste, straw, corn leaves, leaves of sugarcane, tapioca waste, organic waste, etc. which has been debated for polluting the environment is a fertilizer raw materials are very nice, but still must be processed.

The process of making organic fertilizer (compost) naturally takes a long time (4-6 months) and do not necessarily produce the expected quality. Findings fermentation technology greatly assist the process of organic fertilizer ready to use with a relatively short time is 1-2 weeks.

At the time of availability of chemical fertilizer is scarce and land is now very low C-organic, so the restoration of soil fertility with organic fertilizers is absolute and in order to speed up the process so that farmers willing, capable and self-reliant through changes in behavior, both individually and group , we need to hold study on Sustainable Farming Systems. As for the issue of this study is How understanding of natural farming and organic farming, and how farming in terms of aspects of sustainability.

Understanding Natural Agriculture and Organic Farming

Often there are misconceptions about the "natural farming" and "organic farming". The two terms are often considered the same proficiency level practice. However, some opinions below made more clear. Fukuoka (1985) suggests four steps towards natural farming, and explains the principles of natural farming:

No-tillage. Land without being processed or reversed. In principle, cultivate their own land, good transport, the introduction of plant roots, and soil microbial activity, micro fauna and earthworms.
Not used at all chemical fertilizers and compost. Land left alone, and the land itself will maintain its fertility. It refers to the process of recycling plants and animals that occur under forest stands.
Weed eradication is not done either through tillage and herbicide use. Use of straw mulch, cover crops and flooding at any time to limit and suppress weed growth.
Absolutely not dependent on chemicals. Sun, rain and soil are natural forces that directly regulate the natural balance of life.

According to the International MOA initiated by Mokichi Okada (1881-1955) in January 1935, then developed in 23 countries with a membership of more than 1 million people. This organization aims to provide education / training circumstances farmers producing organic foods through natural farming. Implemented through specific marketing organic food store MOA. Thus natural farming has a high responsibility to the earth we inhabit. Natural farming free of chemical fertilizers or other agrochemicals materials. The system was developed by relying on the forces of nature that consists of solar resources, water, plant material for compost-natural farming is in harmony with the ecological conditions.

The term organic farming gathering all the imagination of farmers and consumers to seriously and responsibly to avoid chemicals and fertilizers that are poisoning the environment with a view to obtaining a healthy environment. They are also trying to produce a sustainable crop production by improving soil fertility using natural resources such as agricultural waste recycling. Thus, organic farming is a movement "back to nature".

Sustainable agriculture with low input technology (LISA) is to limit the dependence on inorganic fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals. Weeds, pests and diseases are managed through crop rotation, mixed farming, bioherbisida, organic insecticides combined with good crop management. Errors are now growing perception that if we do not implement modern agriculture, we thought back to traditional farming and crop production we will drop dramatically. The results showed that organic farming if properly implemented quickly restore land affected due to the use of agricultural chemicals. This occurs when the soil fauna and microorganisms useful life restored, and improved soil quality by providing organic matter because there will be changes in the physical, chemical and biological soil. The first stage of production and conservation of organic biomass is mobilized.

Through the process of aerobic composting, using basic ingredients biomass, crop residues and dung, the quality and quantity of compost can be improved. Appropriate method of composting organic material utilization and time need to be considered, as well as the corresponding microbial inoculants. Composite inoculant for composting and bacterial inoculant rhizobium and phosphate solvent is used so that the growth of legume crops more effectively.

In carrying out organic farming needs to include legume crops in crop rotation, improving legume nitrogen in the tether, and the use of green manures: grass, weeds to the compost as far as crop waste and livestock waste is monitored.

Gatra both avoided the use of chemicals in organic farming is to look for alternative methods to control weeds, diseases and pests. Besides controlling mechanically by pulling weeds and return between rows of plants, rotation and biological control needs to be adapted. There are approximately 70 different types of plants that exist in the United States to control weeds.

Pathogens can be controlled without the use of chemicals. Among the available methods, both crosses multiple genetic and specific varieties, including how to crop rotation, changing the pH, sanitation, adjustment of planting and harvesting time, soil remediation, and biological control has been worked out. Even nematodes can be controlled through the methods mentioned above.

Pests can be controlled by using several methods other than the use of agricultural chemicals. The diversity of ecosystems can be developed through crop rotation. Tillage and cultivation methods and the use of other exotic species that can be used to control pests. The use of sterile insects and insect pheromones to control pests increasingly popular. All these methods are based on ecological strategy in controlling pests, thus taking into account factors of mortality, natural enemies, climate, and crop management.

Organic farming tends to protect the soil from erosion damage. In this regard, few land damaged in processing. Soil humidity is maintained by using mulches and cover crops. All this is only possible in the garden or yard, but less work in the fields. Mining nutrients from the soil below the surface can occur by way of implementing crop-pasture mixed forest (silvo-pature), forest farming and agri horticulture. Leaf litter derived from higher plant causes nutrient balance when used as a mulch or mixed directly with soil topsoil.

Ruminant livestock, fisheries, poultry and livestock, should be developed in an integrated manner so that was part of the "organic farming". Through the cultivation of good can be known nutrient needs of plants as well as environmental and ecological conditions can be improved and protected without having to depend on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Thus the concept of "natural and organic farming" can be tested from the point of safety to humans, animals, flora and fauna of the land. Increasing the diversity of all life but still in harmony with nature, without having to make the exploitation of natural resources excessively.

Development of Organic Farming

Organic farming is growing rapidly, especially in the countries of Europe, America, and eastern Asia (Japan, Korea, Taiwan). In Asia, particularly in mainland China, organic farming carried out before the widespread introduction of chemical fertilizers in 1960. This system for centuries able to meet the food needs of the world's densest population today has surpassed one billion. Chinese farmers in maintaining and improving land fertility by adding silt lakes or rivers.

Through the program the green revolution, world food production increased dramatically, so as to cope with food insecurity, especially in the countries of Asia, Africa, and the Americas Practice. Increased food production can not be separated from the use of products of modern technologies such as improved seeds, chemical fertilizers / plant, pesticides, herbicides, plant growth regulators and crop monocultures. But in fact the green revolution program can only be successful in areas with soil and water resources is good, and infrastructure support.

Technology "green revolution" is more widely implemented in the paddy fields that have a support infrastructure.

According to ecologists, modern technology (chemical dependent farming) based on physical and economic considerations be successfully overcome food insecurity, but it must be paid with the increasing damage / degradation that occurs in the earth's surface, such as desertification, deforestation, reduction of biodiversity, salinity, soil fertility decline, the accumulation of chemicals in soil and water, erosion and other damage. Until now, this is still a persistent dilemma between increasing food production using the agrochemical products and environmental conservation efforts that seek to control / limit the use of these materials. The use of fertilizers and pesticides factory excessive and uncontrolled have the same impact on the environment: its use at any time increases, efficiency decreases, and tends to have a negative impact on the environment.

At the time of world fossil energy crisis that occurred in the seventies, many industrialized countries initially as an advocate of the use of fertilizers and toxic chemicals plant pest eradication, has sought to restore alternative technologies. Due to rising fossil energy prices and diminishing oil resources, then organic fertilizer as an alternative fertilizer became popular again after a long time not been used in the fertilization program. The crisis also hit many developing countries that experience difficulties in producing fertilizer and fertilizer imports expensive. Since then many countries have started to replace fertilizer with organic fertilizer plant as a source of plant nutrients (FAO, 1990).

Organic farming will be most beneficial in terms of gatra increase soil fertility and increase crop and livestock production, as well as from environmental gatra in maintaining ecosystem balance. In addition, from the economic gatra will save foreign exchange to import fertilizers, agricultural chemicals, and provide employment opportunities and increase farmers' income.

In principle, organic agriculture in line with the development of agriculture with low input technology (low-input technologies described) and the efforts toward sustainable agricultural development. We begin to realize the power of technology, the fragility of the environment, and the ability of the human mind in a destructive environment. A point to be noted that the availability of natural resources is finite. According to Harwood (1990) there are three agreements that must be implemented in sustainable agricultural development, are: (i) agricultural production should be improved but efficient in resource utilization, (ii) biological processes must be controlled by the farming system itself (not dependent on the input from agriculture), and (iii) nutrient cycling in agricultural systems should be improved and be more closed.

Ecological Principles of Organic Farming

The problem that often arises is misperceptions about organic agriculture inputs implementing low energy technology (LEISA). Some say farming systems with low energy input technology is primitive or traditional farming, such as those developed by our ancestors for generations before the introduction of modern farming. Actually, this farming system still utilizing modern technology, including: hybrid seeds labeled, implement soil and water conservation, and conservation tillage ° Based.

It is time we started paying attention to farming systems were worth both the biophysical and socio-economic environment. Although organic farming in all its aspects clearly provide benefits to smallholder agriculture development and maintenance of the environment, including the conservation of land resources, but their application is not easy, and many face obstacles. Government policy factors and socio-political systems determine the direction of the development of agriculture as an element of economic development.

Taking into account the experience of the study of traditional agriculture agroecology wet tropical region, the ecological principles can be used as a guide in developing organic agriculture. The application of a technology can not be generalized as such to all places, but it must be specific location (the specific site) taking into account traditional knowledge (indigenous knowledge) of each location.

Ecological principles in the application of organic farming can be classified as follows:

Improve soil conditions that favor the growth of plants, especially the management of organic matter and improve soil biological life.
Optimizing availability and balance of nutrient cycling through nitrogen fixation, nutrient uptake, and the addition of recycling manure from outside the farm.
Limiting loss of crops due to the flow of heat, air and water by way of microclimate management, water management and erosion prevention.
Limit the loss of crops due to pests and diseases by implementing preventive efforts through a secure treatment.
Utilization of genetic resources (germplasm) that is synergism mutual support and functionality by combining a variety of integrated farming systems.

The above principle can be applied to several areas of technology and development strategy. Each principle has a different effect on productivity, security, continuity, and identity of each farm, depending on the occasion and limiting local factors (resource constraints) and in many respects depends on market demand.

In principle, a constant flow of nutrients occurs. Nutrients are lost or transported together yields, erosion, leaching and volatilization should be replaced. To maintain farming systems remain productive and healthy, then the amount of nutrients lost from the soil and do not exceed the nutrient is added, or should be a balance of nutrients in the soil each time.

Agricultural Environmental

Common sense that is currently used to understand sustainable agriculture is the principle, methods, practices, and philosophy that aims to be viable and profitable agriculture economically, ecologically justifiable, socially acceptable, equitable, and culturally appropriate to local conditions, as well as using a holistic approach. The characteristics of sustainable agriculture and environmentally friendly are:

To increase agricultural production and ensure food security in the country;
Capable of producing food bought with high nutritional quality as well as reduce or minimize the content of chemical pollutants and harmful bacteria;
Not reduce soil fertility and damage, do not increase erosion, and suppress the dependence on natural resources that are not renewable;
Able to support and sustain rural livelihoods by improving employment opportunities, providing a decent living for farmers and steady;
No harm to the health of people who work or live on a farm, and for those who consume agricultural products;
Preserve and enhance the environmental quality of life in rural and agricultural land and conserve natural resources and biodiversity.


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